Apartheid Regime

“Critics Protest Harvard’s Choice to Lead Antisemitism Task Force Bill Ackman and Lawrence Summers decried the choice of Derek J. Penslar, a professor of Jewish history, who had signed a letter describing Israel as an apartheid regime.” Headline in Jewish owned NY Times. Ackman and Summers are both Jewish and clearly more pro-Israel then Penslar!

“Penslar, who happens to be Jewish, has been very successful in his academic career. He has had a string of prestigious professorships—first at Indiana University, and then at the University of Toronto, before moving up to Harvard. He has published books with prominent academic presses, and articles in well-known scholarly journals. He serves on the editorial boards of several Israel-related academic journals.” thej.ca

And that is all I’m going to say about that!

Apartheid, no (1975) vintage poster by Library of Congress is licensed under CC-CC0 1.0

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