The idiot Secretary of the Treasury Yellin who one way or the other is responsible for much of the Federal Debt is stating in a presidential election year that America is headed for a soft landing. But that is because she has raised the federal debt by another 2.5 trillion dollars in the last 3 years to 34 trillion in total!

The failure of our so-called leaders was not banking 7 years of plenty away to pay for the 7 years of famine! We continue to borrow against the future of our kids and grand kids not only that but the importation of 30 million poor folks will only exacerbate America’s financial implosion. That will end the world leadership of western democracies to be replaced by eastern dictatorships!

And that is all I’m going to say about that!

America was on the rise, today it is in decline!
Plaque, The Great Famine by Kenneth Allen is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.0

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