Boo Frigging Who!

“China’s Punishment for People With Bad Debts: No Fast Trains or Nice Hotels, People across the country are being weighed down by their debts and a system that is penalizing them for not repaying what they owe” WSJ. Why shouldn’t they have to take slow trains and stay at crappy hotels if that means they are saving money in order to pay off what they owe!

Not only is it way too easy to declare bankruptcy in America but you can even get out from under paying your back taxes, never mind college loans! All of this cost is then passed on to people who were responsible enough to pay what they owe. No different then what is happening with legal immigration where you can get in line and wait your turn or cheat and cross the border illegally! Once you let people get away with cheating many will do that repeatedly!

And that is all I’m going to say about that!

Academics will always push back on tax cuts first as opposed to spending cuts. Yes we are spending more money on illegals
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