Keeping Kosher

“In 2000, the passage of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act made all U.S. prisons responsible for accommodating their charges’ religious dietary requirements. Before that, religious practitioners in prisons couldn’t always count on getting meals they could eat. During the 1971 Attica Prison riot, one of the complaints of the rebelling prisoners was that Muslims were served pork three times a day.”

Once we pass a law recognizing transgender sex our so-called women’s prisons will be filled with ladies who have a penis keeping kosher as well. Unlike Attica where Muslims only got pork 3 times a day, lady inmates with vaginas may well find that they are getting it far more often. It’s like the kosher keeping transgender prisoner who died and went to hog heaven. No pun!

And that is all I’m going to say about that.

2012 Gay Pride Parade by Carol M Highsmith is licensed under CC-CC0 1.0

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