
“A House committee plans to serve subpoenas to Harvard University officials Friday morning, marking a significant escalation in a House investigation into campus antisemitism.The legal directives were the latest round in a high-profile sparring match between lawmakers and university leaders that has left powerful institutions such as Harvard on the defensive, and raised questions about academic freedom, safety on campus and the boundaries of free speech.” WAPO

3.5 million Arab-Americans living in the USA of which 250,000 are Palestinians! Some of them probably don’t like Israelis and for good reason! Now while the JDL is reporting an increase in antisemitism none of it even is remotely justified in anyway. As a result free speech takes another hit so that no one hurts an important minority group who has been operating with a blank American check since 1948. But social media has changed this landscape and for the better!

And that is all I’m going to say about that!

Founder of the Jewish Defense League.

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