Bleeding Hearts

In reaction to the testosterone driven World War One the democracies decided to inject estrogen into their voting booths by giving women the right to vote! The unfortunate result of this decision was to drive the western democracies to adopt a “peace in our times” strategy which would result in the death of 60 million!

Fast forward 100 years and the bleeding hearts have once again dug a huge hole for themselves with their absurd “peace thru trade” strategy which will likely result in the deaths of 600 million! Frankly what is amazing is that we continue to re-elect these morons for committing a huge strategic error which will result in the end of western style democracy!

And that is all I’m going to say about that!

The bleeding hearts in the British and American Empires have exposed our Grand kids to the horror of another depression and World War!
Photo by Christian Skiada on

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