It must be a Presidential election year as PBS is running this Anti-Mega MAGA series which also reinforces the pro-Likud attack in Gaza! I have no problem with this as long as PBS runs an American Bolshevik version as well but they won’t of course! In the 1930’s most Americans chose to stay out of another European war but some Americans chose to support the Russian mass murder over the German version!

America is headed to becoming a Nazi or Bolshevik country in the 2030’s and if this sounds familiar this is what happened in Germany in the 1930’s. Once our economy crashes and burns because of the huge debt the choice will become either National Socialism (white) versus International Socialism (non-white). Because 80% of media, 90% of academia and 100% of Hollywood are pro-International Socialist they are projecting a one sided threat only!

And that is all I’m going to say about that!

American Hitler or Stalin?
Photo by Irina Balashova on

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