Flying while Fatty, Fat, Fat…

“Plus-size TikTokkers are praising Southwest Airlines for its “customer of size” policy, which allows overweight passengers to request a complimentary seat and forces the flight staff to accommodate larger flyers — even if that means kicking others (ie skinny people) with tickets off of the flight.” The fat person may not be paying for the complementary seat but are the thin people picking up the cost of the fat person’s 2nd or even third seat?

So lets say that a person gets booted from the plane because having checked in last they are not getting on the plane because these two jolly folks took their seat! But of course that passenger will never know this! So rather than fly with a bunch of freeloading Santa’s I think I’ll use some other airline that charges by the pound!

And that is all I’m going to say about that!

Make them fly first class and PAY!!!!

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