Not sure exactly what this means but I imagine that if you are not making a living wage then you are making a dying wage. As America continues to swirl down the toilet bowl we will continue to see an expansion of both the social safety network and the Federal debt! Once this shit hits the fan which will result in a global depression then we will see if the Left chooses a Stalin or the Right chooses a Hitler.

That of course is when the real dying will begin! Now the 80% of media, the 90% of academics, and the 100% of Hollywood that leans Left have done a great job of vilifying the white supremacist far right with nary a mention of the far left who generally are described as “progressives” by the 80/90/100 percent folks! Add in the split between the party of color versus the party of no color and there will be lots more folks making a dying wage!

And that is all I’m going to say about that!

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